How much you could save with solar power in Australia

couple in bed with laptop

Home Solar panels are hard to miss right across Australia, with over 3 million households making the switch. Why is this the case? Australia has more sunshine per square metre than any other continent in the world¹, which makes going solar too good an opportunity to pass up. Your potential savings with solar power Australia […]

Looking to go solar but not sure if your roof is suitable?

woman relaxing in hot bath using atmos frost heat pump

Home Every day, more Australians are making the switch to solar, with solar panels installed on over 2.6 million rooftops across the nation, and over 1 million solar hot water systems. However, some homes might not be suitable for traditional solar hot water due to factors such as: Too much shade: The likes of trees, […]

How You Can Make a Difference to the Environment with Solar

Solar panels on top of roof

Home Going solar has many benefits. You can: Reduce your energy consumption, helping you to keep more money in your pocket Take advantage of government incentives, known as Small-Scale Technology Certificates (STCs) to help you make the switch; and Potentially increase the value of your home Another significant advantage of going solar is its benefit […]

How can I store my solar energy instead of sending it back to the grid?

woman standing next to Tesla car

Home How can I store my solar energy instead of sending it back to the grid? Drawing too much power from the grid can be a costly exercise. The Australian Government is predicting a 56% hike in power prices over the next two years, as consumers continue to feel the brunt of ongoing increases to […]

6 Benefits of going solar

mother and daughter hugging

Home No doubt, you have heard about solar technology and its growth as a green energy source for families around Australia. In fact, 76% of Australians rank solar power in their top three preferred energy sources, making it the most popular one.1 Why is this the case? Solar helps reduce energy bills and carbon emissions, […]

Solar Power or Solar Hot Water? Or get smart and get both.

Couple pointing at their roof and discussing where to install solar panels

Home Solar is often associated with solar power (PV), where the sun, a natural energy source, is used to generate and provide electricity for your home. However, solar hot water is actually more efficient and a fantastic way to reduce your energy consumption. More and more Australians are realising its benefits, as they take advantage of […]

New safer home assessments

COVID safe home assessments

A message to our customers about Coronavirus (COVID-19) At Solahart, our highest priority is to ensure the ongoing safety and well-being of our customers and our teams. We’re taking extra care to make all areas of our business safer, particularly our in-home Solar Assessments. For now, our Solar Assessments have been moved from in-home to […]

Solar Cowboys

3 men and one woman dressed as cowboys

Home Before you purchase solar power, it pays to do your homework Installing solar power is a great way to cut your energy bills. But with so many solar cowboys out there, it’s easy to be taken for a ride. The Future is Bright for Solar Every day, more and more sun-loving Australians are turning […]

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